
Showing posts from February, 2023


Hello students, welcome to my blog. This week I want to tell you something you might find very interesting. Let me introduce you to Europass. Europass is a program designed by the European Commission. The objective is to encourage European citizens, investing in education, in order to improve and develop his skills. Europass also wants to give publicity to students and show them to different international enterprises, willing to give you the best future possible. How to participate? You must make a video divided in two parts. In the first part, you have to show your abilities in a concrete field. Secondly, you must apply those abilities in your Europass account. The video mustn't last more than 30 seconds and you can do it in English or Spanish, that’s up to you. The deadline is on 13th March, so what are you waiting for? Send your video and wait for a reply, you have nothing to lose and everything to win.


  Hello everybody and welcome again!  This week we’ll discuss a really relevant topic in my opinion. Is the educational system well organized? Nowadays, people must study until 16, after completing secondary school, then they choose their own way, or that's what it is supposed to be. In reality, if you want to go to university, you must get through baccalaureate, where you will compete against other students in order to get a place in your career. The problem comes when you’ve to spend plenty of time on subjects that you’re not really interested in and are useless for your career. It’s very simple, there are lots of people that could be magnificent medics, engineers or politicians, but because of the time they’re wasting on these subjects, they can not focus on the ones that are essential for their future.  They are also suffering from work exploitation, let me explain. Most of the students wake up at 6.30, they go to school from 8.15 to 14.45, then they come home, have a...


  Hello everybody and welcome again! Today I’m introducing a new section, it’s called “World problems”. In this section we will talk about many actual problems, analyzing them and proposing possible solutions. First of all, we will talk about Global warming and Pollution. These two problems go together, light, water and air pollution affect global warming as a result of a change in atmosphere’s behavior. Global warming is probably the most dangerous problem and if it keeps going like that the heat will start melting the ice caps, raising the sea levels and flooding many continents. We must do something to stop this and we must do it now! If we think we can find plenty of solutions, for example recycling, using green transport and work with green energy in order to avoid the pollution and global warming levels. It is a community task, little movements can make a big change. I hope you join the cause. We must save our planet, if we don't, where will we leave?


Hi everybody and welcome again! Today I’ll show you how to organise and plan a debate, sharing with you many useful tips that you can use in your discussions. First of all, you must search for information that will reinforce your arguments but you shouldn’t only search for your topic information, let me explain. If you also explore the opposite part in order to know about your rival arguments you will have weapons against them. During the discussion you must respect the turn. If you don’t do it, you’ll be kicked out of the debate. You should also use a formal register and respect your opponent. Finally, I really recommend you to structure your ideas from least to most important. In this way your last word will be your heaviest argument and will let them thinking. Let me know if you found these tips helpful! See you next week!